I Regained The Confidence And Beauty Back That I Lost Due To Grinding My Teeth
Hi, my name is Lisa. When I came, I had ground my teeth down. So I had full upper and lower crowns done to give me the smile I have today. Even in my 20s, my teeth were small then, because I think I’ve been doing it my whole entire life. The grinding that is. People would ask if I filed my teeth down and why are my teeth so small. And I was in shock of that. I guess I didn’t realize how small they became.
So, to have long, beautiful teeth again is amazing. They gave me my confidence and my beauty back. That I lost from grinding my teeth. And they really care about people and the outcome of the results of the work that they do.
When I was 23, I was going to this dentist for 4 years, and into the 4 years, he’s like, oh my God. One day. I’m like, oh my God, what? he’s like, you grinded your teeth a quarter of a centimeter down. And I’m like, are you kidding me? I’ve been coming for 4 years and you’re telling me now. So he gave me night guards, finally. But I had worn my bottom teeth down to the Dentin, and that’s the inside of the middle of your teeth, which eventually would crack and break off.
So I came to Dr. O’Neill. They took the time to figure out what I needed for my situation. Then they went over the options of what I could do to look different from what my teeth looked originally. That they showed me molds of teeth, and they asked me, what color I’d like, and I said, I’d like the whitest color you have. And anywhere I go, when I smiled, everyone’s like, wow, your teeth are blinding me. How do you get them so white? I kind of giggle.
So, to have long, beautiful teeth again is amazing. They gave me my confidence and my beauty back. That I lost from grinding my teeth. And they really care about people and the outcome of the results of the work that they do.
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